full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Mike Velings: The case for fish farming

Unscramble the Blue Letters

In the last 50 years, golabl meat consumption has more than quadrupled, from 71 million tons to 310 million tons. Something slaiimr has been going on with milk and eggs. In every society where incomes have risen, so has protein comuponitsn. And we know that gllolaby, we are getting richer. And as the middle class is on the rise, so is our global population, from 7 billion of us today to 9.7 billion by 2050, which means that by 2050, we are going to need at least 70 percent more protein than what is available to humankind today. And the latest prediction of the UN puts that population number, by the end of this curtney, at 11 boiilln, which means that we are going to need a lot more protein.

Open Cloze

In the last 50 years, ______ meat consumption has more than quadrupled, from 71 million tons to 310 million tons. Something _______ has been going on with milk and eggs. In every society where incomes have risen, so has protein ___________. And we know that ________, we are getting richer. And as the middle class is on the rise, so is our global population, from 7 billion of us today to 9.7 billion by 2050, which means that by 2050, we are going to need at least 70 percent more protein than what is available to humankind today. And the latest prediction of the UN puts that population number, by the end of this _______, at 11 _______, which means that we are going to need a lot more protein.


  1. consumption
  2. globally
  3. billion
  4. century
  5. similar
  6. global

Original Text

In the last 50 years, global meat consumption has more than quadrupled, from 71 million tons to 310 million tons. Something similar has been going on with milk and eggs. In every society where incomes have risen, so has protein consumption. And we know that globally, we are getting richer. And as the middle class is on the rise, so is our global population, from 7 billion of us today to 9.7 billion by 2050, which means that by 2050, we are going to need at least 70 percent more protein than what is available to humankind today. And the latest prediction of the UN puts that population number, by the end of this century, at 11 billion, which means that we are going to need a lot more protein.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
million tons 6
animal protein 3
fish farming 3
aquaculture industry 3
food production 2
global population 2
animal farming 2
farm fish 2
ted prize 2
mission blue 2
planet earth 2
rain forests 2
fish meal 2
minimal footprint 2

Important Words

  1. billion
  2. century
  3. class
  4. consumption
  5. eggs
  6. global
  7. globally
  8. humankind
  9. incomes
  10. latest
  11. lot
  12. means
  13. meat
  14. middle
  15. milk
  16. million
  17. number
  18. percent
  19. population
  20. prediction
  21. protein
  22. puts
  23. quadrupled
  24. richer
  25. rise
  26. risen
  27. similar
  28. society
  29. today
  30. tons
  31. years